Halford- live in Anaheim (2010) Metal God

Halford- live in Anaheim (2010) Metal God
Halford- live in Anaheim (2010) Metal God :

This month, many releases to buy. The dvd has two part. Bonus one is songs recorded in february 2003 at Shibuya Kokaido in Tokyo.The image is quiet good but  not tip top. Some interviews of each menber between songs. The main  part is the Anaheim show for "Resurection tour" in room not completely full. "Painkiller" open the show.A song from Judas Priest, why not? A killer song but better to open with Halford solo's song? Well, the music is heavy , very heavy "into the pit" ( from Fight ) to stuff more soft "never Satisfied" or Judas ' hit "Breaking the law"...The light show is standard with basic effects. Well, i am not a big fan of Halford solo career and i prefer to watch Haflord in Judas priest.


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